Faces Vases
A ceramic snap shot of a moment and of a fascination in time.
The lips are a certain symbol for the beginning and end, as no lust lasts forever. Only art is eternal in its way of deceiving time
Salvadore Dali 1937
Historically lips have been the subject of fascination as it is seen as one of the most sensual but also the most expressive of body parts. Our first breath, our first words, our first kiss; all of these are done through our lips. It is the lips that help us form the words which embody our inspiration and soul.
Born out of a fascination with the beauty and make-up community on social media, the Faces Vases (2019 - ) are an exploration of the artist’s challenging relationship with being confronted by altered and enhanced lips and becoming insecure about her own lips.
By creating all these different vases with the same lips, it became a way of processing and healing the artist’s changing perception of her own body, influenced by seeing different faces with the same lips online. Following the artist’s observation that it seemed like these lips were all pressed out of a mold, she applied the method of press molds in combination with wheel thrown vases.